Movement Coaching

Balance by Heather Movement Coaching focuses on utilizing your body as a tool for creating a fulfilling life.

Movement coaching is uniquely separate from a Physical Therapy plan of care as you do not have to be injured to benefit from the expertise of a movement specialist.


Are you an actor, dancer, or performer who wants to find an injury-free method to take your physical characterization to the next level?

Balance by Heather can help by first creating a blank slate to begin your work. Then we begin adding layer upon layer physical traits until you begin to embody the life of character. But at the end of the day, you must remember to return to your own physical body in order to prevent injury.

Want that promotion that you are perfect for but keep getting overlooked time and again?

Research has proven that a simple change in posture changes hormone levels, confidence levels, and perception. Movement Coaching can help identify minor physical changes to trigger these responses.


Want to take that vacation with the family or tour group, but unsure if you can keep up?

The cobblestones of Europe, beaches of the Caribbean, or flights of stadium stairs, all pose unique challenges that are not always present in our everyday lives. Movement Coaching can help by designing a plan of action that includes physical fitness training, packing, footwear selection, and realistic expectations for daily itineraries.

Your body is a tool to express yourself, to explore the world, and to broaden your creative, cultural, and financial horizons. Let’s see how we can open doors together.